Good Evening Eye Fans, it’s good to be back on the blog. I know you all missed me as I had a lot of messages, but I was away from Sharm for a while and taking a break. Good to see the response to my blog about Ahmed the scammer. What an absolute arsehole he is, totally sure of himself and completely unrepentant about his behaviour and the hurt he causes. People call me hard hearted but this guy is unbelievable, he makes even me look all soft and fluffy.
While I was out having a beer a few nights ago, I saw something which gave me an idea for my latest rant. I’ve been away for a while but being out and about since I got back there’s a definite change in the tourists visiting Sharm. I’ve noticed more ladies wearing the burka in Sharm, something you did not see in the past, I was having a drink with a friend in Naama and as we sat there, we saw groups of ladies passing by covered head to toe in black. What the f…! This is Sharm not Saudi for God’s sake, it’s a beach resort and I expect to see bikini clad ladies, not women trying to each lunch through a flap in their burka.
I’m all for religious tolerance and understanding but there’s a place for everything and this is not it. Sharm is for sunbathing and fun. Why would you want to come here and hide yourself from head to toe especially in this heat?. Makes no sense to me. Now I know this is a contentious subject but I also know that secretly lots of people agree with me. I wouldn’t go as far as our friend Bojo, esteemed PM of the dear old country who compared burka clad women to “letterboxes” or “bank robbers” but come on, Sharm is not the place for these garments. Sharm is a place for sun, fun. sea and s.. ( you can work the last one out for yourself).
Of course it’s a security risk. Who is under there? Do we know? No we don’t. Faces should be seen, not hidden and who knows what could be concealed under all that fabric?. I’m getting on my soapbox now. Here’s my 10 good reasons to ban the burka.

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Ahmed (Super Scammer) Bites Back

Hi Sharmer’s

Here comes the second part of my interview with Ahmed, but before we start, I wanted to give him the opportunity to respond to the people who commented this week.

EYE. I know you read the blog and comments, what would you like to say in response.

AHMED. All you people who pretended to be shocked or angry, get a life. You think you’re all so perfect but we all know you’re not. You come to our country and treat most of us like shit. You think you’re better than us with your money for fancy holidays, nice clothes, trips and stuff, you come here to be treated like kings and queens. Most of you don’t even tip well and you know what shit money we get paid. How many of you are supporting parents or siblings from a small wage? and yet you moan about the cost of trips, service, security and just about everything else. Nothing is ever good enough for you people, except one thing.

EYE. What’s that one thing?

AHMED. Guys like me of course. Good looking guys who make you feel like a millions dollars. We’re the ones who tell you what you want to hear, make you feel good about yourselves. Egypt isn’t just pyramids, sea and sunsets, it’s about chasing a dream. For the older ones it’s the last chance saloon. Trowel on that makeup and cover up the years until we wake up with you in the morning and it’s all over the pillow. That’s the downside of this job, but you get used to it.  I’ve had some seriously vile awakenings.

EYE. Not all tourists are like that, many feel genuine affection and love for Egypt and Egyptians.

AHMED. Not the ones I normally meet, they come here for one thing and one thing only, sex and sweet words.

EYE. Tourism is important to Egypt and you (and people like you) are giving it a really bad reputation.

AHMED. Who cares? It’s every man for himself, I do what I got to do. When I first came to work here from upper Egypt, I worked really hard for shit money, I sent most of it home and lived in staff accommodation, have you ever been in one of those places?, they are only fit for animals. Then I met a guy who always seemed to have money, he had a great way with the ladies and when I walked home after a long shift, he’d always be in the bar with different ladies, young and old. Basically I watched the professionals at work, learned the ways to get money and now i’m one of the best. At first it was quite hard but I soon got the hang of it.

EYE. How was it hard?

AHMED. When I left my village I didn’t know much about the ways of the world. I was a virgin and pretty naive. That changed quite quickly once I arrived in Sharm. All the guys were watching porn and a few of the guys were quite into each other, (if you know what I mean). Imagine the hormones raging in a small room with multiple guys, strange things happen. At first I suppose I had a few morals, but the more time I spent with tourists, I realised they were mostly after one thing and if I didn’t give it to them, then one of the the guys would. So I did my first scam.

EYE. Can you tell us about it?

AHMED. There was a lady in the hotel, I was her room boy, she was quite generous and left me tips twice a week. We would talk and she was nice to me. One day I unlocked her room and she was coming out of the shower in just a towel. I was shocked but decided it was the right time so I told her she looked beautiful. I watched her face and she looked surprised but pleased so I decided to see if I could take it any further. As I cleaned up her room, we talked and I told her about my family and where I came from, she seemed interested and asked me lots of questions. When I finished I told her I had to go and she looked sad, so I suggested that we could have a drink in a local bar after my shift. She agreed.

EYE. Was she older than you?

AHMED. Just a bit, I was 20 and she was middle 40s.

EYE. So cutting to the chase, what happened?

AHMED. I had her knickers off within 24 hours and she loved it. She came back a few times the following year and sent me money every month to help my poverty stricken family. Unfortunately she then met a guy in her home country and the payments stopped, but by then I had a steady income stream so it wasn’t a problem.

EYE. You said previously that you would be faithful to your wife, when will you get married?

AHMED. Maybe a couple of years, maybe more. I’m setting myself up for life here and you need money to provide and keep an Egyptian wife happy. I’m in no rush, life is good and I’m on two long term projects right now.

EYE. Two projects? What sort of projects?

AHMED. I’m working on getting a couple more apartments bought for me so I can get rental income.

EYE. Why am I worried? are they legit?

AHMED. Sure, I’m engaged to a Polish girl and a German at the moment, we need a place to live when we marry right? Both projects are well under way, but the big ones take time and need a lot of work. My ‘lawyer’ has things under control but could take another year to get it sorted. I’m great at playing the long game for the biggest rewards.

EYE. You really have no morals at all do you?

AHMED. Like I said before, it’s every man for himself, people are shafting each other all over the world and nobody cares, I’m kind to children and animals, what more do you want?

And there you have it, the gospel according to Ahmed, a true narcissist. Beware these people because their next victim could be YOU. If you have been involved in a ‘relationship’ like this and would like to share your story without being identified please drop me a message.
